Kailash Mansarover Yatra | Kailash Mansarover | Kailash Yatra | Mansarover Lake |

Kailash Manasarovar Yatra, when we get message from lord Shiva. Every
thing goes smooth towards journey for home of Lord Shiva. Mt. Kailsh it is the meru, sumeru, sushumna, hemadri (golden mountain), ratnasanu (jewel peak), karnikachala (lotus mount), amaradri, deva parvatha (summit of gods), gana parvatha, rajatadri (silver mountain). it was the swayambu - the self-created one. kailasa and manasarovar are as old as the creation. lots of religious people go for kailash yatra only for feeling of the presence of lord shiva. some thing vibrates in the way of kailash darshan. kailsh mansarover yatra
is the abode of lord shiva and his divine consort parvathi. it expounds the phi­losophy of purusha and prakriti - shiva and shakti. the radiant silvery summit is the throne of truth, wisdom and bliss-sachidanandam. the premordial sound aum (nadabindu) from the tinkling anklets of lalita prakriti created the visible patterns of the universe and the vibrations (dvpani) from the feet of shiva (nataraja) weaved the essence of atman - the ultimate truth. the spreading resonance and limitless patterns constitute the grosser forms of all matters to accurate scale. this is the cosmic dance (thandav) visualized in millions of forms by the devotees. the silvery mount is the apex where the sound (nada) and the lights merges and the true yogi transcends both these and merges into om. mind is the knot tying consciousness and matter this is set free here. this is the heart of indian philosophy and civilization and the grand manasarovar reflects the total indian consciousness. 

Some people believe that is a kalpa viruksha tree is supposed to adorn the slopes of kailash valley. Mt. kailash south face is described as saphire, east the crystal, west as ruby and the north as gold. the city of kubera is situated here. ganga after originating from the toe of mahavishnu entered the lunar circle and descended on peak of kailasa. shiva quelled her furiousness by receiving her on his matted locks. ganga, it is believed descends further from kailash and after circuiting kailasa seven times divides herself as four rivers. the major rivers of india and nepal originate in this area brahmaputra (lohita) indus (sindhu) sutlej (shatadru) and karnali. 

every object in this area is part of lord shiva. as devotees ascends through parikrama one encounters holy peak of ravana parvat, hanuman parvat, padmasambhava, manjusri, vajradhara, avalokiteswara, jambeyang, shavari, norseng etc. the learned address five of them as panchabudhas. the track takes one through dhira puk, sbi4asthalandfmally to dolma (the highest point). this pass belongs to devi - parvati and is an important point of worship. this point is considered as the point of spiritual renaissance. one can have the best view of manasarovar and ravana tel from the south west point of kailash during parikrama. 

there is a ancient story about that rawan lake;

Ravana is claimed to have prayed at this lake rakshas tal. people believes that till dates only a single baba took bath in rawan lake. manasarovar was created by brahma at the request; of the great rishis. this mind born lake contains the essence of all the vedas. this is the place for holy ceremonial bath: oblations to the ancestors are offered here. both the lakes are full of swans. 

the scriptures reiterate that that who take the holy dip at manasarovar and carry out the parikrama around kailash are absolved of their sins through generations and is ab­sorbed into the supreme finality. to him, there is no rebirth, sorrows or joys: he is one with the ultimate.

This is one of the most important pilgrim centres for the buddhists. they worship demchok (buddha in fierceful form) seated on the summit of kailasa. it is also called dharmapala - one version quotes the deity as a form of shiva’s manifestation. the descrip­tions of the deity are more or less like shiva. devi is also given a similar form like parvathi. they adore kailash as kang rinpoche and manasarovar as tso mapham. guru rinpoche (the great indian master padmasambhava who introduced buddhism) and saint milerapa are greatly revered here by pilgrims. since tantrism runs through the main core of buddhism here, their customs and practices would be found running close and parallel to hindu traditions. like the indians, they also consider dolma (devi) and gauri kund (thuki zingbu) as holiest spots. buddhists strongly believe that pilgrimage to this place liberates them to nirvana. many of their legends when interpreted rationally would find commonality with indian approach. 

The jains acknowledge kailash as ashtapada and padama hrada. it is believed that adinati vrishabdeva, the first tirtankara attained nirvana here. a few claim that guru nanak meditated here. across the river chu, there on the nyanri range stands an impressive temple. inside this monastry there is a marble statue radiating peace and compassion. this statute is claimed to be that of guru nanak. a few call it guru rinpoche. interpretations vary. the entire area echoes with spiritual vibrations. even the agnostics shall discover new balance amidst that fathomless serenity. one has to experience it. the common belief is that those who are ordained only could be there. 

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