India Travel Guide - How to plan your travel in India?

One of the most interesting & confusing point - How to plan your travel in India?

Village Women preparing Dinner with "Chulah"  

4,70 kms far from National Capital, an ancient temple in Dwarahat
Before any thing I like to share some of my India's pics with you so that you can have a idea about rural India, Indian villages, off beat path in Himalaya's, thing to do in India, what we can see in India etc etc. You can come, seek and be discover India with a professional. Match India's rhythms to your heart, its colors to your mind, and find a travel experience that is yours alone. An India like no other. Friendly, warm, welcoming ... and uniquely your own  
This is called "Luta" basically found in Indian villages, Dwarahat

View of Indian village, try trekking in Himalaya's with local cuisine

I found this note when trekking to "Pandukholi ashram" 4,50 kms from New Delhi

An old care taker at ashram

India offers a different aspect for every individual – exotic, extravagant, elegant, eclectic - to each traveler to the country. In this section, we aim to help you choose that particular experience which will shape your vision of the country. You just have to visit our blog & tell us you type.  Email: or talk to us 09212564080, 09873479597

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